The Mirboo North Winterfest working group can’t wait to welcome everybody to our beautiful event, and hopes that the following information about accessibility helps to make it more inclusive.


Download our Accessibility Map using the button shown below:


Dedicated accessible parking is available at locations shown towards the top of this page.  Please note that Ridgway will be closed to traffic between Brennan Street and Thorpdale Road for part of Saturday 5th August, to allow for the Ridgway Lantern Parade.  One of these parks will thus be inaccessible between about 4pm and 7pm.

Accessible Toilets

An accessible portaloo will be located in the informal roadway within Baromi Park, south of the former railway station building, and at the eastern end of our food truck feasting area.

Baromi Park also has some permanent accessible toilets:

  • One unisex toilet further east in Baromi Park, north of the MN&DCF’s Co-Space (96 Ridgway).

  • One women’s toilet at the west end of Baromi Park, in the carpark north of the Shire Hall and library (34 Ridgway).

Both locations are marked on the map shown towards the top of this page.


  • Baromi Park: most festival offerings are available within Baromi Park, a relatively flat parkland criss-crossed by paved pathways.  From here, you will be able to access the food truck feasting area, the market, the ice rink, the south tipi’s workshops and live entertainment, and the north tipi’s bar, live entertainment and ticketed Sunday lunch.  Baromi Park is active from 2pm to 10pm on Saturday, and from 9am to 3pm on Sunday.

  • Ridgway: home to the Ridgway Lantern Parade from dusk (~5:45pm) on Saturday evening.  Streetside vantage points for viewing the parade will be available along both sides of Ridgway between the Grainstore (55 Ridgway) and the MN&DCF’s Co-Space (96 Ridgway).

  • Grainstore (55 Ridgway): The photo booth being hosted in the Grainstore can be accessed by a ramp from Ridgway, but please bear in mind that due to the heritage age of the building, the ramp is narrow, turning circles are tight, and flooring is uneven.  The photo booth will be available from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, and from 9am to 12pm on Sunday.

  • Woven by The Everyday Makers (66 Ridgway): Workshops and the exhibition being hosted at 66 Ridgway are accessible via a ramp into the connected Delburn Wind Farm office.  Woven will be open from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, and from 9am to 3pm on Sunday.

  • MN&DCF’s Co-Space (96 Ridgway): The Quilt Exhibition being hosted at the Co-Space is fully accessible.  It is open from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, and from10am to 3pm on Sunday.