Cheri Rose has been working on creature creation and painting for the last 10 years. She creates all sorts of paper and clothmache creatures for festivals all over Victoria (Esoteric, Elysium, The Great Conjunction etc.) After watching a video on youtube many years ago (gourmet papermache) she was inspired to create fantasy creatures.

Cheri picked up fine art painting many years ago at school but only in the last few years has been experimenting with a technique called paint pouring or fluid art, which she paints over once dry to create mesmerising space scenes that glow under UV/Blacklight.

A day in the studio can be anything from creating huge art instillation's (the most recent was a 5m steampunk, terrarium snail) to splashing paint all over canvases.

Come with her on a fantasy journey where you can loose yourself in the magic worlds she creates.

Thomasin Bales